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Each match begins with a 15-second autonomous period in which robots operate only on pre-programmed instructions. During the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds of the match, the teleoperated period, student drivers control robots. Learn more


Regionals competed

Ventura County Regional

Rank 31 with a record 7 win - 7 loss - 0 tie


Hawaii Regional

Rank 1 with a record 13 win - 4 loss - 1 tie

Las Vegas Regional

Rank 1 with a record 16 win - 2 loss - 0 tie

Curie Division

Rank 23 with a record 6 win - 7 loss - 0 tie

Indiana Robotics Invitational

Rank 27 with a record 4 win - 5 loss - 0 tie

Chezy Champs

Rank 5 with a record 8 win - 4 loss - 0 tie

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